No One Said It Was Going to Be Easy Just Worth It
No One Said It Would Be Easy Famous Quotes & Sayings
List of top 44 famous quotes and sayings about no one said it would be easy to read and share with friends on your Facebook, Twitter, blogs.
Top 44 Quotes About No One Said It Would Be Easy
#1. I never said the way of Christ is easy. Are you prepared to let go of everything He would not approve? - Author: E. Stanley Jones
#2. I found it quite easy to carry on a casual conversation it was as if my real feelings were down fathoms deep in my mind and what we said was just a feathery surface spray. - Author: Dodie Smith
#3. Being violent is easy, too easy." He brushed it off. "Holding back, being gentle, restraining your strength when it's not needed, that takes - " "Character," she said. "Loads of it. - Author: Joey W. Hill
#4. When they asked Michelangelo how he made his statue of David he is reported to have said, It is easy. You just chip away the stone that doesn't look like David. - Author: Michelangelo
#5. I know there's been a lot that's been said about animated voice work, as though it's 'you can do this in your jeans and there's no camera and no pressure there. It's no big deal. It's easy.' The truth is, it's really a great test: how deep is your ability is to access your imagination? - Author: Nicolas Cage
#6. I heard what you told him," he said. "That you thought it would be easy to fall in love with him. You meant it, too." "So?" It was the only thing I could think of to say. "I was jealous - of that. That I'm not ... that sort of person. - Author: Sarah J. Maas
#7. God never said that the journey will be easy, but he did said that the arrival will be worthwhile - Author: Max Lucado
#8. When Thales was asked what was difficult, he said, To know one's self. And what was easy, To advise another. - Author: Diogenes Laertius
#9. It is said that dispensing advice is easy. What is difficult is getting anyone to listen to it. - Author: Judith Martin
#10. Nobody said it was going to be easy! - Author: Sheri Poe-Pape
#11. Woody Allen once said that 90 percent of life is about showing up. Ninety percent of healing people in psychological pain is shutting up - at least long enough to let them bleed the truth. That sounds easy, but it isn't. (68) - Author: Keith Ablow
#12. Never forget where you came from, Gina Attaviano, Alessandro said to her before he died. Then it will always be easy. - Author: Paullina Simons
#13. Easy, you're safe," said a deeply rich and sexy voice. "Lie back down. - Author: Elena Kincaid
#14. I never said it would be easy. Giving up is easy. - Author: Maria V. Snyder
#15. Sometimes," she said, "it seems to me there's just these certain types of people that come around and around in our lives, know what I mean? Easy types and hard types; we run into them over and over. - Author: Anne Tyler
#16. It's really rather easy to write eighth-century Chinese poetry," said Angus Lordie. "In English, of course. It requires little effort, I find. - Author: Alexander McCall Smith
#17. Whatever comes," she said, "cannot alter one thing. If I am a princess in rags and tatters, I can be a princess inside. It would be easy to be a princess if I were dressed in cloth of gold, but it is a great deal more of a triumph to be one all the time when no one knows it. - Author: Frances Hodgson Burnett
#18. No one said it would be easy
But no one said it'd be this hard - Author: Sheryl Crow
#19. No one said finding Paris would be easy; I only said it would be worth it. - Author: Con Template
#20. And tell me you love me, come back and haunt me oh and I rush to the start..running in circles, chasing tails, and coming back as we are. Nobody said it was easy, it's such a shame for us to part.. no-one ever said it would be so hard, I'm going back to the start - Author: Coldplay
#21. No one ever said it would be easy - Author: Annie Dillard
#22. Loving someone is a full time commitment. Use that time wisely. Cherish the high points and fight hard to conquer the challenges. No one said love would be easy, but it is dam sure worth it. - Author: Carlos Wallace
#23. If you break this door you will find me dead on the threshold."
And be easy, madame, you shall be revenged," said Bussy. - Author: Alexandre Dumas
#24. I reflected wearily that it was not easy to be a Woman in these stirring times. I said it then and I say it now: it just isn't our century. - Author: Elaine Dundy
#25. There is always a countermove, always an escape or way through. No one said it would be easy and of course the stakes are high, but the path is there for those ready to take it. - Author: Ryan Holiday
#26. First rule of being a detective,' the Doctor said a he knocked on the door, 'is to observe. Observe the obvious, and observe the not-so-obvious. Observing the not-so-obvious is not as easy as observing the obvious, but if it were easy everyone would be at it. - Author: Derek Landy
#27. Tack's eyes stayed locked on Shy's two beats then he said quietly. "Make her happy."
Shy held his gaze as, for the first time in fucking months, he began to breathe easy.
There it was.
Tack just gave it.
His blessing. - Author: Kristen Ashley
#28. Never boyfriends? You've NEVER been in LOVE?"
As I shake my head no, I look out the window, yearning to see Cole's sun-filled eyes again looking into mine.
"Don't worry," Tiger said. "Love isn't easy- and it happens on its own time. Just hang in there. He'll come around. - Author: Giorge Leedy
#29. But while her world was soft and comfortable, offering everything I could ever want, it all came too easy. There was something to be said for patience and hard work. - Author: Alyson Noel
#30. There are all kinds of things we have to deal with in life," Eri finally said. "And one thing always seems to connect with another. You try to solve one problem, only to find that another one you hadn't anticipated arises instead. It's not that easy to get free of them. - Author: Haruki Murakami
#31. No one said love was easy, Sentinel.
-Ethan - Author: Chloe Neill
#32. We said there warn't no home like a raft, after all. Other places do seem so cramped up and smothery, but a raft don't. You feel mighty free and easy and comfortable on a raft. - Author: Mark Twain
#33. It's not always easy being her daughter.'
I think,' she said, 'sometimes it's hard no matter whose daughter you are. - Author: Sarah Dessen
#34. It becomes easy," Finbar said. "It's in the training; the ability to see your enemy as something other than a real man. He is a lesser breed, defined by his beliefs - you learn to do with him what you will, and bend him to your purpose. - Author: Juliet Marillier
#35. A rabbit, it has been said, can outrun a lion. But the rabbit's great fear of the lion paralyzes it, making it easy for the lion to catch and consume it. - Author: Sheila Walsh
#36. Stupidy is easy, everyone can learn it... You just say to stupid stuff and you are the big Job,... but try to be a wise that's what's hard and most people just try to destroy the wise people why??
Because they are too stupid to realease it! - Author: Deyth Banger
#37. Horseshit," Shame said cheerfully. "He can dispossess you and die. Pretty easy, really. Most people die the right way the first time. You'd think a genius like him wouldn't screw it up so badly. - Author: Devon Monk
#38. He said, I always thought the woman I'd marry would hit me easy, in a bolt of lightning, and there is not lightning there is not even thunder there is not even rain. - Author: Aimee Bender
#39. I'm not a detective from Baker Street or an old lady who solves crimes while she's knitting in an easy chair. I'm just a book girl. So I can't make a deduction, only take a flight of fancy
er, forget I said that. I meant, I can only take a guess. - Author: Mizuki Nomura
#40. If it's hard, do it hard! Nobody said it would be easy. - Author: Les Brown
#41. I though you said it was easy, listening to your heart. I thought you said I'd be okay. So why am I breaking apart. - Author: Miley Cyrus
#42. What if you never meet him?
Then I shall die an old maid, was the cheerful response. I daresay it isn't the hardest death by any means.
Oh, I suppose the dying would be easy enough, it's the living an old maid I shouldn't like, said Diana, with no intention of being humorous. - Author: L.M. Montgomery
#43. Dance better than you. Right. Because that's so easy." "No, it's not easy. It's hard, very hard. Something to strive for. Something to expire to." "I think you mean 'aspire,'" I said, although expire was probably more accurate. - Author: Annabel Joseph
#44. Dave Sim said in his latest thing of his, 'when you're on the right track, you'll know it, but until you get there, you have to believe you're on the right track'. Interesting little conundrum. It's not easy. - Author: Eddie Campbell
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