Betadisper Distances Plotted Against Continuous Data

Takes the output of dist_calc function. Or use with the result of the permanova function to ensure the results correspond to exactly the same input data. Runs betadisper for all categorical variables in variables argument. See help('betadisper', package = 'vegan').

                                          dist_bdisp                (                                            data,                              variables,                              method                =                c                (                "centroid",                "median"                )                [[                1                ]                ],                              complete_cases                =                TRUE,                              verbose                =                TRUE                                            )                                    



ps_extra output from dist_calc


list of variables to use as group


centroid or median


drop samples with NAs in any of the variables listed


sends messages about progress if true


ps_extra list containing betadisper results


                                                                    library                    (                    phyloseq                    )                                                                                        library                    (                    vegan                    )                                                                    #>                  Loading required package: permute                                  #>                  Loading required package: lattice                                  #>                  This is vegan 2.6-4                                                      data                    (                    "dietswap", package                    =                    "microbiome"                    )                                                                                                                                          # add some missings to demonstrate automated removal                                                                                        sample_data                    (                    dietswap                    )                    $                    sex                    [                    3                    :                    6                    ]                    <-                    NA                                                                                        # create a numeric variable to show it will be skipped with a warning                                                                                        dietswap                    <-                    ps_mutate                    (                    dietswap, timepoint                    =                    as.numeric                    (                    timepoint                    )                    )                                                                                                                                          # straight to the betadisp                                                                                        bd1                    <-                    dietswap                    %>%                                                                                        tax_agg                    (                    "Genus"                    )                    %>%                                                                                        dist_calc                    (                    "aitchison"                    )                    %>%                                                                                        dist_bdisp                    (variables                    =                    c                    (                    "sex",                    "bmi_group",                    "timepoint"                    )                    )                    %>%                                                                                        bdisp_get                    (                    )                                                                    #>                  Dropping samples with missings: 4                                  #>                  Warning:                  Variable 'timepoint' is skipped as it cannot be used for grouping (class = 'numeric')                                                      bd1                    $                    sex                                                                    #>                  $model                                  #>                                                  #>                  Homogeneity of multivariate dispersions                                  #>                                                  #>                  Call: vegan::betadisper(d = distMat, group = meta[[V]], type = method)                                  #>                                                  #>                  No. of Positive Eigenvalues: 123                                  #>                  No. of Negative Eigenvalues: 0                                  #>                                                  #>                  Average distance to centroid:                                  #>                  female   male                                                  #>                  10.022  9.059                                                  #>                                                  #>                  Eigenvalues for PCoA axes:                                  #>                  (Showing 8 of 123 eigenvalues)                                  #>                  PCoA1  PCoA2  PCoA3  PCoA4  PCoA5  PCoA6  PCoA7  PCoA8                                                  #>                  5106.7 2075.2 1360.1 1281.4 1061.7  890.1  665.4  567.5                                                  #>                                                  #>                  $anova                                  #>                  Analysis of Variance Table                                  #>                                                  #>                  Response: Distances                                  #>                  Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value    Pr(>F)                                                  #>                  Groups      1  50.14  50.144  20.976 7.853e-06 ***                                  #>                  Residuals 216 516.35   2.391                                                  #>                  ---                                  #>                  Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1                                  #>                                                  #>                  $tukeyHSD                                  #>                  Tukey multiple comparisons of means                                  #>                  95% family-wise confidence level                                  #>                                                  #>                  Fit: aov(formula = distances ~ group, data = df)                                  #>                                                  #>                  $group                                  #>                  diff       lwr        upr   p adj                                  #>                  male-female -0.9632687 -1.377813 -0.5487242 7.9e-06                                  #>                                                  #>                                                                      # quick vegan plotting methods                                                                                        plot                    (                    bd1                    $                    sex                    $                    model, label.cex                    =                    0.5                    )                                                                                                                                          boxplot                    (                    bd1                    $                    sex                    $                    model                    )                                                                                                                                                                                            # compute distance and use for both permanova and dist_bdisp                                                                                        testDist                    <-                    dietswap                    %>%                                                                                        tax_agg                    (                    "Genus"                    )                    %>%                                                                                        dist_calc                    (                    "bray"                    )                                                                                                                                          PERM                    <-                    testDist                    %>%                                                                                        dist_permanova                    (                                                                                        variables                    =                    c                    (                    "sex",                    "bmi_group"                    ),                                                                      n_processes                    =                    1, n_perms                    =                    99                                                                                        )                                                                    #>                  Dropping samples with missings: 4                                  #>                  2022-10-20 20:40:36 - Starting PERMANOVA with 99 perms with 1 processes                                  #>                  2022-10-20 20:40:36 - Finished PERMANOVA                                                      str                    (                    PERM, max.level                    =                    1                    )                                                                    #>                  List of 5                                  #>                  $ ps       :Formal class 'phyloseq' [package "phyloseq"] with 5 slots                                  #>                  $ dist     : 'dist' num [1:23653] 0.764 0.731 0.728 0.664 0.744 ...                                  #>                  ..- attr(*, "Labels")= chr [1:218] "Sample-1" "Sample-2" "Sample-7" "Sample-8" ...                                  #>                  ..- attr(*, "Size")= int 218                                  #>                  ..- attr(*, "call")= language as.dist.default(m = as.matrix(distMat)[keepers, keepers])                                  #>                  ..- attr(*, "Diag")= logi FALSE                                  #>                  ..- attr(*, "Upper")= logi FALSE                                  #>                  $ ord      : NULL                                  #>                  $ info     : 'ps_extra_info' Named chr [1:7] "Genus" NA NA "bray" ...                                  #>                  ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:7] "tax_agg" "tax_transform" "tax_scale" "distMethod" ...                                  #>                  $ permanova:Classes 'anova.cca', 'anova' and 'data.frame':	4 obs. of  5 variables:                                  #>                  ..- attr(*, "heading")= chr [1:2] "Permutation test for adonis under reduced model\nMarginal effects of terms\nPermutation: free\nNumber of permutations: 99\n" "vegan::adonis2(formula = formula, data = metadata, permutations = n_perms, by = by, parallel = parall)"                                  #>                  ..- attr(*, "F.perm")= num [1:99, 1:2] 2.596 0.417 0.917 1.38 2.706 ...                                  #>                  ..- attr(*, "Random.seed")= int [1:626] 10403 30 515190382 2133433928 917665867 1283494313 1101294840 1366013990 -351622847 676521683 ...                                  #>                  ..- attr(*, "control")=List of 12                                  #>                  .. ..- attr(*, "class")= chr "how"                                  #>                  - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "ps_extra" "list"                                                                                                        bd                    <-                    PERM                    %>%                    dist_bdisp                    (variables                    =                    c                    (                    "sex",                    "bmi_group"                    )                    )                                                                                        bd                                                                    #>                  ps_extra object - a list with phyloseq and extras:                                  #>                                                  #>                  phyloseq-class experiment-level object                                  #>                  otu_table()   OTU Table:         [ 130 taxa and 218 samples ]                                  #>                  sample_data() Sample Data:       [ 218 samples by 8 sample variables ]                                  #>                  tax_table()   Taxonomy Table:    [ 130 taxa by 3 taxonomic ranks ]                                  #>                                                  #>                  ps_extra info:                                  #>                  tax_agg = Genus tax_transform = NA                                  #>                                                  #>                  bray distance matrix of size 218                                                  #>                  0.7639533 0.731024 0.7283254 0.6637252 0.7437293 ...                                  #>                                                  #>                  permanova:                                  #>                  Permutation test for adonis under reduced model                                  #>                  Marginal effects of terms                                  #>                  Permutation: free                                  #>                  Number of permutations: 99                                  #>                                                  #>                  vegan::adonis2(formula = formula, data = metadata, permutations = n_perms, by = by, parallel = parall)                                  #>                  Df SumOfSqs      R2      F Pr(>F)                                                  #>                  sex         1    0.361 0.00933 2.1539   0.17                                                  #>                  bmi_group   2    2.377 0.06143 7.0888   0.01 **                                  #>                  Residual  214   35.874 0.92720                                                  #>                  Total     217   38.691 1.00000                                                  #>                  ---                                  #>                  Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1                                  #>                                                  #>                                                  #>                  betadisper:                                  #>                  sex bmi_group                  


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